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Implementing Effective Interventions in Healthcare

(NNEdPro Co-ordination of Submissions: Lauren Ball, Celia Laur) To have an impact on individual and population health, we need to consider how to implement effective interventions and practice changes. This Collection encourages submission of articles about how to effectively change practice with a focus on prevention across all areas of health. Articles can be from any settings (i.e. community, primary care, hospital), and any health-related topic area, particularly nutrition and physical activity, as long as there is a focus on prevention and changing practice. Types of articles that are encouraged include: - Quality improvement initiatives - Interventions applied at scale (throughout a country, region etc.) - Studies where implementation was not successful (lessons learned should be discussed) - Pilot projects will only be considered if they have given consideration to the feasibility of real-world implementation - Theory-based interventions, with particular emphasis on behaviour change - All study designs, including qualitative and mixed method.

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Impact of smoking on COVID-19 outcomes: a HOPE Registry subanalysis
Carolina Espejo-Paeres, Iván J Núñez-Gil, Vicente Estrada, Cristina Fernández-Pérez, Giovanna Uribe-Heredia, Clara Cabré-Verdiell, Aitor Uribarri, Rodolfo Romero, Marcos García-Aguado, Inmaculada Fernández-Rozas, Victor Becerra-Muñoz, Martino Pepe, Enrico Cerrato, Sergio Raposeiras-Roubín, María Barrionuevo-RamosSee the full list of authors

17 June 2021